2019 Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)
Hilton Washington DC/Rockville
Rockville, MD
July 16 – 18, 2019


The agenda is also available as a PDF file (120 KB). All presentations linked to the agenda are in PDF format.

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Tuesday Session 1 Plaza Ballroom and Atrium Moderator Session 2 Moderator
7:00am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast and Registration/Badging
Plaza Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 9:15am Welcome and Announcements [126 KB]
Plaza Ballroom
Randall Laviolette    
9:15am - 9:30am Overview: Barbara Helland (ASCR) Ceren Susut    
9:30am - 10:15am FASTMath Institute: K. Devine (SNL) [4.25 MB] Ceren Susut    
10:15am - 10:30am Break      
10:30am - 11:15am RAPIDS Institute: L. Oliker (LBNL) [31.57 MB] Ceren Susut    
11:15am - 12:30pm A Retrospective of SciDAC: Stories that Make the Program Unique (Part I): E. Ng (LBNL) Presentation [7.99 MB], J. Vary (ISU) Presentation [17.77 MB], A. Nakano (USC) Presentation [2 MB], S. Klasky (ORNL) Presentation [24.12 MB], C. Chang (PPPL) Presentation [1.26 MB] Ceren Susut    
12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch (Buffet) – Plaza Ballroom Foyer      
2:00pm - 4:00pm Poster Session 1 - Atrium Matthias Graf    
Wednesday Session 1 Regency Moderator Session 2 Eisenhower Moderator
7:00am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast and Registration/Badging
Plaza Ballroom Foyer
8:30am - 10:15am BER 1: P. Jones (LANL) Presentation [23.94 MB], P. Bosler (SNL) Presentation [4.90 MB], D. Ricciuto (ORNL), G. Bisht (PNNL) Presentation [3.82 MB]; K. Evans (ORNL) Renu Joseph NP 1: R. Hix (ORNL) Presentation [6.25 MB], R. Edwards (TJNAF) Presentation [24.44 MB], T. Papenbrock (ORNL) Presentation [9.75] George Fai
10:15am - 10:30am Break      
10:30am - 12:00pm BER 2: S. Price (LANL) Presentation [2.37 MB], A. Turner (LANL) Presentation [8.64 MB], H. Wan (PNNL) Presentation [4.58 MB], T. Yamaguchi (CU/NOAA) Presentation [13.32 MB] Sally McFarlane FES 1: J. Candy (GA) Presentation [20.75 MB], Z. Lin (UC-Irvine) Presentation [2.26 MB], B.D. Wirth (ORNL/UTK) Presentation [25.43 MB] Guin Shaw
12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch (Buffet)  – Plaza Ballroom Foyer      
1:30pm - 2:45pm BES 1: J. Davenport (BES); T. P. Devereaux (SLAC) Presentation [4.20 MB], M. Head-Gordon (LBNL) Presentation [8.88 MB] Mark Pederson FES 2: D. Brennan (Princeton), X. Tang (LANL); WDM Discussion: N. Ferraro (PPPL) Presentation [13.63 MB], D. Green (ORNL) Presentation [7.60 MB], D. Spong (ORNL) Presentation [4.05 MB], J. Lore (ORNL) Presentation [3.32 MB], D. Sheng (CSU-N) Presentation [4.83], S. Shiraiwa (MIT) Presentation [4.44 MB] Guin Shaw
2:45pm - 3:00pm Break      
3:00pm - 4:30pm HEP 1: S. Habib (ANL) Presentation [3.63 MB], J. Amundsen/E. Stern (FNAL) Presentation [1.36 MB], J. Kowalkowski (FNAL) Presentation [1.68 MB], G. Cerati (FNAL) Presentation [6.15 MB], S. Hoeche (FNAL) Presentation [1.77 MB] Lali Chatterjee FES 3: D. Hatch (UTAustin)/G. Hammett (PPPL), C.S. Chang (PPPL) Presentation [10.15 MB]/A. Hakim (PPPL) Presentation [1.38 MB], P. Bonoli (MIT) Presentation [6.24 MB] Guin Shaw
Thursday Session 1 Regency, Plaza Ballroom, and Atrium Moderator Session 2 Eisenhower Moderator
7:00am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast and Registration/Badging
Plaza Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 9:45am NE 1: A. D. Andersson (LANL) Presentation [27.53 MB] David Henderson FES 4: S. Jardin (PPPL)Presentation [3.74 MB], M. Shephard (RPI) Presentation [8.31 MB] Guin Shaw
9:45am - 10:00am Break      
10:00am - 12:00pm SciDAC at the ASCR Facilities: Today and Tomorrow: R. Ross (ANL), J. Candy (GA) [6.41 MB] Ceren Susut    
12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch (Buffet) [Plaza Ballroom Foyer]      
1:30pm - 2:30pm HEP 2: Discussion [B. Norris (Oregon ), J. Kowalkowski (FNAL)] Lali Chatterjee BES 2: T. Maier (ORNL) Presentation [15.65 MB], E Hohenstein (SLAC) Presentation [18.81 MB] Jim Davenport
2:30pm - 4:30pm Poster Session 2 - Atrium Matthias Graf