Step 1: Collect Population Information and Data

Graphic of the United States Census 2010 map.Begin by investigating and analyzing available data gathered by others to shed light on different population groups in your community. You can use many sources of population statistics from the national level down to local agencies. This quantitative data, previously gathered by others, will help you begin the process and build a “snapshot” of your community. Some resources that are available to help you with creating this snapshot include:

Snapshots of Data for Communities Nationwide (SNAPS)

SNAPS provides local-level community profile information nationwide. Data can be browsed by county and state or searched by zip code. It provides a “snapshot” of key variables for consideration in guiding and tailoring health education and communication efforts to ensure diverse audiences receive critical public health messages that are accessible, understandable, and timely.

Review the national (103KB/1 page) and state (252KB/1 page) information sources in the resource guide for more examples of resources that may be available to help you create this snapshot.

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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